I'm Amanda.

I am a certified high-performance™ coach who helps success-driven leaders like you develop daily habits and a growth-oriented mindset so that you can reach your highest potential and operate at your peak performance. 

You are worth the investment.

You deserve to not only succeed but to feel fulfillment in your life as well! You don't have to trade one for the other and your success is not what is going to bring you that fulfillment you desire.

Too often I've seen successful people lose themselves and their happiness on their journey towards more. That's why the purpose of my life is to not only have success, but to live fully engaged and growth-oriented to empower you to do the same.

Beyond my leadership degree, my training consists of certifications in both high-performance coaching and life coaching. I've been trained in neuroplasticity, the science of well-being, as well as several positive psychology practices that have given me the best tools, resources, and support to help you reach your goals.

Feeling stuck doesn't have to be your norm. You can create a life of abundance and growth that shows you there is always a better way!


I have been stuck before.

I have tasted success building a six-figure business in just three months of going full-time as an entrepreneur and then...the crash and burn of the rest of my life followed suit.

The money was great, but I didn't have a life. My business was booming, but the freedom I desired seemed so far out of reach. The family was getting my leftovers and the guilt.was.real!!!!

I knew something had to change, so I tapped into what I know best...High Performance Habits. 

I evaluated my clarity, productivity, energy, influence, and courage, and I was certainly falling short. 

It was clear that changes needed to be made. I designed my business in a way that worked for me...not the other way around.

I prioritized my health, implemented productivity methods I teach to my clients, and said "no" a lot more than I said "yes" to things. Want to know what else? I took some BIG but life-changing risks too.

The result? My business grew even stronger, opportunities expanded, and burnout became something I dealt with before it took over.

I want this for you too!


I live outside of Indianapolis with my husband and four children. 

I am married to a fun-loving, husband and am a mama to four children who make the perfect team! We are a family who loves to travel and try new things.

I enjoy spending my downtime reading books, listening to podcasts, and, of course, spending time with my family.

In addition to my coaching business, I run a marketing agency called Homegrown that helps businesses target their messaging and scale their impact.

  • Certified High-Performance Coach ™ (CHPC)

  • Lark’s Song Certified Life Coach (LSCC)

  • Certified in The Science of Wellbeing through Yale University.

  • Certified in Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science through the University of Pennsylvania

  • Certified in Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions through the University of Pennsylvania

  • Certified in Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods through the University of Pennsylvania

  • Trained in Neuroplasticity: How To Rewire Your Brain

  • Trained in Little Lark’s Well-Being curriculum


  • Bachelor's degree in Leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University

Let's Get You On A Path To More Clarity, Productivity, Energy, and Courage—And Watch the Transformation Unfold

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