Hire Amanda to Speak & Train Your Leadership Team

Founder of Wake Up To Your Life, Homegrown Marketing Agency, and the Creator of the Highest Potential Planner 

Book Amanda to Speak

Invite Amanda to share with your community or team, and choose from the following topics:


  • S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Method
  • High-Performance Habits
  • High-Performance Mindset
  • Goal Setting/Habit Building training
  • Mastering Productivity
  • How To Leverage Neuroplasticity
  • The Art of Persuasion and Influence 
  • Building & Leaning Into Resilience


  • The Benefits of Relational Marketing
  • Visibility + Engagement
  • Target Your Message + Grow Your Audience

Inquire today for a personalized and uniquely tailored talk for your audience.

Book Amanda Today

I'm Amanda.

I am a certified high-performance™ coach who helps success-driven leaders and organizations develop to reach their highest potential and operate at their peak performance. I'm also a marketing expert who helps businesses target their message and grow their visibility. I wear two business hats but have the same purpose...to help high performers reach new levels of success.

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  • Certified High-Performance Coach ™ (CHPC)

  • Lark’s Song Certified Life Coach (LSCC)

  • Certified in The Science of Wellbeing through Yale University.

  • Certified in Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science through the University of Pennsylvania

  • Certified in Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions through the University of Pennsylvania

  • Certified in Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods through the University of Pennsylvania

  • Trained in Neuroplasticity: How To Rewire Your Brain

  • Trained in Little Lark’s Well-Being curriculum

  • Bachelor's degree in Leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University

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