3 Powerful Thoughts Keeping You From Success

energy Nov 02, 2019

The journey to success can be scary. There are many unknowns, and our fear supersedes our ambition. We hear about the success of others and secretly wish we had a similar story to tell and the secret of how to be successful. Sure, we imagine and dream ourselves into scenarios where we are doing what we love and are financially secure, but then reality hits and we are back working that 9-5 just to make ends meet. 


So what keeps us from success? Is it our circumstances or the people around us? Truthfully, we are typically standing in our own way!


Here are three lies we tell ourselves that keep us from success:


1. There's someone better.

Instead of acknowledging our strengths and what we contribute to the world, it's easier to convince ourselves that there is someone better equipped, trained, and capable. We discount ourselves before we even try, and we imagine there is a better fit.


Remember: You are unique. You offer value unlike anyone else. Don't focus on the strengths of others, focus on what sets you apart.


2. I don't have time.

“Continuous effort–not strength or intelligence–is the key to unlocking our potential.” –Winston Churchill


Our schedules are full, and we can hardly keep our heads above water with all of our current expectations and responsibilities. We barely have enough time for a coffee date or cocktail to wind down in the evening. How will we ever have time to implement new habits that lead to success?


Remember: No one has enough time for everything. It's all about time management and prioritizing what's important. If success is important to you, make time! Weed out the activities that aren't necessary and hone in on your dreams. Set up a step-by-step plan to gradually reach success. It's never one giant leap; it's multiple steps done consistently that get easier with time.


3. No one will accept me.

Sometimes, rejection greets us and leaves us flat on our faces. We work so hard for a period of time and never see the harvest or the harvest isn't as plentiful as we would like. Sharing our dreams leads to other people's negative opinions or unsolicited advice, and we convince ourselves that our ideas, dreams, and goals will never be accepted by those around us.


Remember: Your success is not determined by the people around you. Some are nervous because they want to be in your shoes envying your power and ability to be “recklessly” brave. They may not have identified their own power yet and watching YOU embrace YOURS can start a chain reaction. You have the choice to trust yourself. Your dreams are there for a reason. They are instinctual and compliment your strengths. Choose yourself over the people who speak negatively about your potential.


Be aware of your habitual thoughts. Choose today to step out of your way so you can have a clearer path toward success!

If it’s your time for a dramatic change and rapid advancement in your personal and professional life, then I’d like to work one-on-one with you to break through your barriers and help you reach your highest potential and performance in all you do.
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