How to Simply Decrease Distraction and Increase Discipline

productivity Mar 25, 2020

As a High-Performance coach, I deal with clients who tell me all the time that one of the biggest obstacles to greater success is distraction. They talk about how their attention gets pulled in so many directions and that they are easily distracted whenever they have to step out of their zone of genius.


Is this you?


The definition of distraction is “a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.” While the explanation of what a distraction is remains the same for everyone, what distracts us differs greatly from person to person.


We can be distracted by too much noise, too little noise, large crowds, being alone, and let’s not forget our devices. With plenty of social media to keep us occupied in all the wrong ways, we are used to constant mental stimulation.


As business owners, we can sometimes be distracted by keeping up with our clients, tech issues, product problems, or in other ways. We can even allow ourselves to become distracted on purpose when we’d rather not deal with tough issues.


Distraction is the opposite of traction, which is anything you plan on doing with intention.


To make you feel better about how easy it can be to become distracted, know that it’s actually a natural psychological response for humans when we feel something uncomfortable. When we feel discomfort, our brains lead us to do things that bring us comfort. When it comes to handling tasks we’d rather not do, we open ourselves up to distraction to avoid feeling uncomfortable.


Now that we understand a little bit more about how and why we can get distracted, the most important thing to do next is to develop discipline.


One method for developing this skill is to use time blocking. This means sectioning out your day to accomplish specific tasks and sticking to it. For example, if you are a business owner, this could mean dedicating certain times of the day to manage emails, phone calls, and meetings and not doing interactions with employees or clients outside of those dedicated times. While it’s tempting to handle each of those things as they come in, you open yourself up to becoming distracted and the result could be a last-minute dash to the finish line at the end of the day.


Time blocking gives priority to the most important projects and goals every day, while also allowing time to react to other things that come up.


Another way to increase discipline when it comes to overcoming distractions is practicing regular times of self-reflection. Sometimes we do things without taking time to realize why we do them. Times of introspection gives us insight into our internal triggers. Why do we consistently avoid certain tasks? Is there a way to be more proactive about those tasks, or view them in a more positive light that makes them less uncomfortable? The High-Performance planner is a great tool for being proactive during the workday.


Becoming disciplined in overcoming distractions isn’t easy but you can do it! Turn off your devices regularly, spend time in self-reflection during those times when distraction feels better than the uncomfortable, block out your schedule, find a workspace that allows for creativity and productivity and, before you know it, those distractions will no longer be an obstacle.


Helping you recognize your distractions and introducing better disciplines that will serve you is one of the many things I do for my coaching clients. Click here for more information about my services and check out the Highest Potential Planner to increase your productivity.


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