Roadmap to Success: Decoding the 4 Essential Components for Effective Planning

It's the start of a new year, and if there's one thing everyone is doing, it's making plans.

But did you know that most people don't realize the four components of effective planning, and THAT is why so many fall off on their goals early in the year?

Here are 4 components of planning:

Vision casting, goal-setting, habit-building, and mindset.

If you've struggled with not only enjoying the process of planning but also activating and achieving your goals, it might be because you didn't have all four of the necessary components to make planning effective. 

If you're lacking even one of the 4 components, it's going to make achieving your goals that much harder. The good news is we're talking about all of them below, so you won't be missing anything this year!


4 Must-Have Components for Effective Planning

1. Vision

Picture this: you're headed out on a road trip to a place you've never been before. How do you get there? A map!

Just like you need directions to tell you where to go when hitting the road, planning requires the same. We call it vision.

Vision planning requires inventorying yourself (knowing and understanding the best of who you are), your interactions (determining how it is you interact with others and how others perceive you), and your skills (knowing what skills you need to get to where you want to go). It means having clarity so that you can have direction!


2. Goal Setting

After you've established your vision, it's time to move on to goals. What do you want to accomplish this year? But before you get too excited, it's important to look back before you look forward.

Take time to think about things you've accomplished, obstacles you've overcome, how you have grown, and what habits you'd like to change.

One of the best ways to get on track in your life is to do an evaluation. Look at everything you're doing and decide what you want to "keep," "change," or "let go." When you identify these things, you can gain control back in your life again and make room for new and exciting opportunities!

Then it's time to plan your goals. You have your vision, now develop a plan with measurable goals that lead you towards the direction of your big vision. You don't have to have it all figured out! It's ok to start with your first five steps––so long as your plan doesn't sit untouched without small steps moving you forward.

If vision is your map for a road trip, goals are the car that will get you to your destination.


3. Habit Building

Building effective habits is the cornerstone of sustainable success and is an important part of planning! Did you know that most of what we do is less about decisions and more to do with our habits?

Our brain is constantly on the lookout for ways to save effort and energy. Our brains want to be efficient. Without habits, our brain would be overwhelmed by decision-making and too many "unknowns." That is why our brain really likes habits!

To capitalize on how our brain uses habits in our day-to-day lives, it's important to establish intentional ones that are intrinsically motivated. That means forming a habit that brings you inner fulfillment and is personally rewarding, not results-driven. 

So how do you link a habit to an intrinsic motivation so that it is enjoyable and sustainable? Write out an action plan that involves writing down a habit you'd like to develop, make a list of things you enjoy and that give you energy (intrinsically), and link one or more of the intrinsic motivators to your habit.

If you have trouble remembering why habits are so important, think of them as the wheels to the car on your roadtrip. Without them, you aren't going anywhere! 

Here is a 90 day habits course that will teach you everything you need to know to get your habits on track this year!


4. Mindset

Why is mindset so important when it comes to planning? It's just like gas in a car: you can't go anywhere without it!

Your mind works in different ways and operating out of choice is the healthiest place to be! When it comes to your mindset, it's important to understand your thoughts and limiting beliefs. What are your most pressing thoughts, how are you interpreting them, and what action are you taking?

As for limiting beliefs, identify, define, evaluate, and rewrite any thoughts that are holding you back from the mindset you desire. This is a constant process of reevaluating and wrangling new limiting beliefs that may creep in over time. Just like a car, sometimes you'll need to stop, take a break and refill your tank to keep on your journey.

Without planning using a growth mindset, many of your plans will fall flat.


Here is a visual reference to help you understand how the 4 components of planning work together:  

You've dreamed and planned and considered, but this is just the start. Now, you start the work of making your vision, goals, habits, and mindset a reality. If you're looking for support along the way, I'd love to be your guide! Book a complimentary coaching call here.

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