Navigating Difficult Times: Finding Growth Through Hardship

Author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said:

"Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful."

This quote perfectly aligned with a thought I had just the other day about going through hard times. What if we shifted our perspective from "I'm going through a hard time" to "I'm growing through a hard time?"

I've gone through hard times like everyone else, but lately, I've been reflecting on how I have grown so much through those experiences. When I think of those times in terms of growing, it is so much more motivating! Those seasons of my life don't feel as if they were for nothing when I look back and see the growth that happened. 

I don't reflect on a difficult season as a time I could not get through or was too weak to handle. When I choose to see all the areas where I learned, despite it being a challenging time, I can clearly see all the areas where I am better now than before

Here are some simple ways to...

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Roadmap to Success: Decoding the 4 Essential Components for Effective Planning

It's the start of a new year, and if there's one thing everyone is doing, it's making plans.

But did you know that most people don't realize the four components of effective planning, and THAT is why so many fall off on their goals early in the year?

Here are 4 components of planning:

Vision casting, goal-setting, habit-building, and mindset.

If you've struggled with not only enjoying the process of planning but also activating and achieving your goals, it might be because you didn't have all four of the necessary components to make planning effective. 

If you're lacking even one of the 4 components, it's going to make achieving your goals that much harder. The good news is we're talking about all of them below, so you won't be missing anything this year!


4 Must-Have Components for Effective Planning

1. Vision

Picture this: you're headed out on a road trip to a place you've never been before. How do you get there? A map!

Just like you need directions...

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