Embracing Change: How High Performers Adapt and Excel in the New Year

Change is one of the few constants in life. As we step into a new year, it's important to understand that adaptation is the key to staying ahead in the game. For high performers, who consistently strive for excellence, embracing change isn’t just a necessity it's a skill that propels us toward success! 

Wouldn't it be great to use that desire for change to start the new year off with MOMENTUM?


Embracing Change: The High Performer’s Mindset

High performers possess a unique mindset that allows them not just to weather change but to thrive amidst it. They view change as an opportunity for growth and innovation rather than a hindrance. Are you striving to become a high performer, but not sure where to start? The following traits are a great jumping-off point in your journey to reach a higher level of performance.


1. Embracing Uncertainty

The hallmark of high performers is their ability to embrace uncertainty....

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Debunking The Myth That Habits Restrict FreedomĀ 

Are you feeling stuck in a cycle of knowing what you want but always coming up short or not sustaining what you want  once you get there?


Do you feel like you’ve tried so many different things but nothing seems to stick? Nothing seems to move you forward the way you WANT to move forward?


When this happens, I ask this question to all the High Performers that I coach...so let me ask you.


How are your habits? 


Have you been paying attention to your habits at all?


Are you CONSISTENT with your habits?


You should know that your habits are the exact place to start if you want to get unstuck!


What’s the most common hang up on this subject? I think you already know, and that is why you clicked on this blog. In fact, the above few questions may have caused you to shift in your chair feeling uncomfortable because you may think that habits constrict your freedom.


If you don’t believe this…I’m sure...

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Know When to Quit (Or If Itā€™s Time to Take a Leap of Faith)

Have you ever felt like your motives, passions, interests and work just weren’t lining up? 


If you find yourself feeling more discouragement than delight with your current work reality, it could mean that you haven’t found your “Zone of Genius” yet (or maybe you have, but you aren’t currently operating in that zone.


I’ll explain. 


In his book, The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks describes how operating in the wrong “zone” can be detrimental to your creativity and completely life-sucking. He even details several cases that led to physical illness as a result of someone living in a state of misaligned passions and work. 


How your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities align with your passions and intentions is SO important for you as a High Performer to understand. Why? Because in order to reach new heights both personally and professionally, you need to be bringing your highest and best self forward!


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The Importance of Being Proactive (& Why Being Reactive Isn't for You)

In my time as a high performance coach, I’ve seen traits that high performers possess that set them apart. One of the most important qualities of someone who continually finds success has got to be this: they are proactive, not reactive.


What’s the difference? 


A proactive person is one who plans. They plan their day, their week, their month, and even their year! (Yes, I just made a FRIENDS reference).  High performers foresee challenges and eliminate the problems before they have a chance to come to fruition. And they have a clear direction for where they want to go so they don’t get sidetracked by distractions or the need to put out fires (that may not be fires at all). 


The opposite of a proactive person is a reactive person, who waits for an issue to arise and then starts to problem solve. Reactive people don’t have a clear picture so they get tossed around reacting to whatever comes their way and often not progressing...

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