How to Lead Your Team Through Conflict

When you think about conflict, what comes to mind?

You probably think of arguments, misunderstandings, and disagreement. But conflict on a team is actually a sign that your team is working towards success not failure! It’s a natural part of human interaction when it's done in a HEALTHY way.

In fact, research has shown that constructive conflict within teams can lead to increased creativity and innovation. According to a study by Charlan Nemeth, a psychology professor at the University of California, Berkeley, groups that engaged in healthy debate generated more original ideas than those that did not.

Yes, you read that correctly: healthy conflict can lead to greater creativity, but also improved problem-solving and stronger relationships! That's because conflict encourages teams to evaluate different perspectives and ideas critically. While conflict may initially create tension, resolving it can also strengthen relationships and foster a sense of unity within the...

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Embracing Change: How High Performers Adapt and Excel in the New Year

Change is one of the few constants in life. As we step into a new year, it's important to understand that adaptation is the key to staying ahead in the game. For high performers, who consistently strive for excellence, embracing change isn’t just a necessity it's a skill that propels us toward success! 

Wouldn't it be great to use that desire for change to start the new year off with MOMENTUM?


Embracing Change: The High Performer’s Mindset

High performers possess a unique mindset that allows them not just to weather change but to thrive amidst it. They view change as an opportunity for growth and innovation rather than a hindrance. Are you striving to become a high performer, but not sure where to start? The following traits are a great jumping-off point in your journey to reach a higher level of performance.


1. Embracing Uncertainty

The hallmark of high performers is their ability to embrace uncertainty....

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Leadership and High Performance: Building High-Performing Teams

Leadership is the cornerstone of success in any organization. A great leader not only drives the company's vision and mission but also fosters an environment where high-performing teams can thrive!

Meanwhile, high-performing teams are the lifeblood of any successful business, and their creation and maintenance depend on the leadership's ability to inspire, guide, and empower their members. No pressure, right?

Former First Lady Eleanore Rosalynn Carter said it best:

“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” 

So how does a leader find the right people, get them in the same room, working towards the same goal, and get them into high performance mode? Here are some key strategies: 


1. Vision and Goal Alignment

A high-performing team begins with a clear and compelling vision. Leaders must articulate the organization's goals and mission in a way that resonates...

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Why Courage Is the Key to Reaching High Performance

Confidence is a fuel that propels us forward in life, helping us tackle challenges, chase our dreams, and embrace opportunities. It's a vital asset for high performers because it is key in fostering resilience, facilitating risk-taking, enabling effective decision-making, enhancing leadership capabilities, and cultivating a positive mindset.

But how do you get to a place where confidence is leading your way? You have to start with courage.

In the book 10x is Easier than 2x, Dr. Benjamin Hardy shares Dan Sullivan's The 4 C's Formula and how using them helps you elevate your standards and 10x yourself. The formula consists of:

1. Commitment

2. Courage

3. Capability

4. Confidence

While Sullivan details how all four C's play a vital role in evolving your identity, courage and confidence really stand out as major components in reaching high performance.


Understanding Courage and Confidence

Courage and confidence sound very similar, don't they? Before delving into...

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How to Achieve 10x More by Doing Less

It's a common thought that if you want to get more results, you have to work more. CEO's, business owners and entrepreneurs are definitely known for their hard work ethic and putting in extra hours to find success.

But what if their achievements weren't because they left zero room for free time and were workaholics, but due to something else?

Lately, I have been digging into Dan Sullivan's book, 10x is Easier than 2x and to say that it's rocking my world is an understatement. The entire premise is that people who aim to 10x their success actually work less than people who just shoot to 2x their success.

No really, it's true.

That's because people who aim past just a little more than what they're currently doing (i.e. 2x), are doing what they normally do and aren't changing much. They are operating from what's worked for them in the past. Meanwhile, people who want to 10x have a laser focus. They realize that they need to throw off 80% of what they do to just get...

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Embrace Growth: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone as a High Performer

When it comes to pursuing success and personal growth, one of the most powerful strategies is stepping outside your comfort zone. That's because high performers understand that real progress happens beyond the boundaries of familiarity. It's where the magic of learning, innovation, and transformation unfolds! In this article, let's see why stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for high performance and talk about practical tips on how to embrace discomfort to achieve results.


Why Step Outside Your Comfort Zone?

Your comfort zone is a cozy space where routines and familiar activities reside. While it's comforting, it can also be a stagnant pool that prevents you from reaching your full potential! Stepping outside this zone brings a ton of benefits:

  1. Learning and Growth: Pushing boundaries exposes you to new experiences, knowledge, and skills. This continual learning fuels personal and professional growth.
  2. Innovation: Breaking free from routine...
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Why You Need The Highest Potential Planner

We live in a digital world, where paper and pen is often considered “old school.” If you aren’t naturally a person who loves to write things down and check them off (guilty!) then the thought of using a paper planner may not appeal to you or may even sound like one extra task you need to check off every day.


However, using this kind of tool can help you be more intentional and strategic in meeting your goals. Not only that, it can provide an outlet for your creativity, memory keeping, and at the very least, your daily scheduling.


Once you’ve taken the plunge into paper planning, the next step involves deciding which one. A quick Google search can provide overwhelming results. I’m going to save you the trouble and share my favorite planning tool, The Highest Potential Planner.


As someone who went through a period of time where I was trying all.the.planners. I can tell you from experience that this one is the best!...

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4 Ways a Paper Planner Changes Everything for High Performers

Have you become so busy that you have neglected the practice of using a planner? If you’re like most of the clients I coach, you’ve fallen into a rut of clicking “accept” on every event that passes through your inbox, from Zoom meeting invitations and party invites. You likely send your daily routine straight to your Google calendar and rely on its notifications to manage your days and weeks. 

You are flying through life living from one Google notification to the other. 

Do you ever feel like your schedule is running your life and wonder if you’ll ever get to be in charge again? 

If this sounds like your current rhythm, I want to express how deeply I understand. Being a busy business owner, wife of an entrepreneur, and mom of four young children who still need help with their homework and a ride to EVERY activity, I couldn’t relate more. That’s why I am so passionate about something that has become so useful and...

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This Is How To Improve Yourself Every Day

James Clear once said, “change your habits, change your life.” As a big proponent of the power of healthy habits, I couldn’t agree more!


We all want some sort of transformation in our life. Whether it’s making small changes in our personal life, becoming a better parent or taking our business to the next level, most everyone wants to better themself in some way or another.


Many people believe that in order to transform, they have to completely overhaul their life. But I want to share a nugget of truth: it’s the small habits that transform.


When you think about it, it makes total sense. When you commit to following through with small habits, they add up over time: resulting in big change!


Making sweeping changes can also have a big effect, of course. However, as humans it can be super easy to drop those big changes when they become overwhelming. Admit it, you’ve let go of a New Year’s Resolution or two because it...

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The Key to Breaking Bad Habits

If you’ve spent any amount of time with me, you know that I love a good discussion about habits. Whether good or bad, we all have them. If you’ve clicked on this post today though, you know we are talking about habits you want to break...habits that are no longer serving the person you want to become.


Bad habits are something that have evolved within our life that usually have some sort of pay off that we find rewarding. Maybe it’s the feeling of a lazy day spent on the couch avoiding chores, or avoiding that sense of anxiety by procrastinating on a big work project. Either way, the immediate gratification of embracing that bad habit is so enticing that we find ourselves doing it over and over.


But news flash! All those bad habits don’t offer any rewards! They continue to just bring short term “happiness,” causing you to miss out on all the goodness that is otherwise out there.


So how do you break bad habits? It’s not as...

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