How To Find Clarity And Why It's Important

clarity Feb 26, 2020

When it comes to finding success and becoming a high-performer, it often comes down to one thing: finding clarity. Not having clarity can prove to be a huge hindrance to your success. It's like going on a trip without a destination in mind. It may feel freeing and fun at first, but eventually, you'll be worn out from driving in circles and wasting your time.


Best-Selling Author Steven Maraboli once said, “A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success.”


I don't want you putting the brakes on your progress, so if you don't have clarity about who you are or where you're going in life, it's time to get clear on where you're headed before you push down on that accelerator.


What is clarity?


Finding clarity can easily be thought of as having a "knowing" about the direction you want to go in major life areas such as: work, relationships, health, finances, and more! Clarity can look different for everyone, but most successful people...

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A Few Things You Need to Know About Your Strengths

clarity Feb 19, 2020

Whenever I begin coaching a client, I spend time trying to learn as much as I can about them. I try to understand the gap between who they are and what they do now and who they want to be and what they want to do in the future.


One way I dig in is to ask my clients about their strengths and weaknesses. I do this for two reasons: to see which they can naturally describe to me (strengths or weaknesses) and to see how accurate they are when they take a strengths assessment -- how self-aware is my client?


More times than not, my clients are able to describe their weaknesses in more detail and have to pause and think about their strengths, only coming up with maybe two or three strengths because I push for an answer. I used to be surprised at the fact that they could describe their weaknesses in a lot of detail yet not be familiar with their giftings. But now I expect it.


The definition of a strength is “anything that produces near-perfect performance...

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It's Time To Stop Running Away From Pain

courage Feb 12, 2020

Have you ever heard of the term "buffering?" This term was first introduced to me from the creator of The Life Coach School, Brooke Castillo. It's a term I use with my clients often because it is something every single human experiences.


Buffering is when you lessen or moderate the impact of something. So when humans buffer, we are trying to distract ourselves or to feel good about a not so good situation. Some ways we buffer can be social media scrolling, overeating, overdrinking, or overworking. Basically anything you can overdo is usually a form of buffering.


Buffering can also look like good things on the outside but if the motive is to avoid reality or lessen the pain, it is still considered buffering. Activities like volunteering or exercising may seem good at the time, but if you're overdoing it and keeping yourself busy as a means to avoid suffering, that too is buffering. Buffering makes us feel better for a short time or it makes us feel nothing at all....

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How to Easily Let Go of The Past And Plan A Better Future

clarity Jan 17, 2020

Have you ever experienced the power of participating in a visualization?

As a life coach, I am all about providing tools to anyone who is looking for personal development help. Visualizations are one of many tools I use when a client needs assistance formulating a new perspective, so I wanted to give you all a taste.

Last week, I hosted a local vision board workshop out of my home, and I wrote a visualization exercise to help participants let go of the previous year so they can fully step into the present year. However, this exercise can be used no matter what time of year because it's all about letting go of the past and planning a better future.

 One of the definitions for "visualization" is that it’s the formation of a mental image of something. Visualizations are effective because they involve almost all of your senses: vision, auditory, and tactile. It also involves emotions and the mood of someone. That’s what I want to help you create...a mental image of your...

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This is the Secret to Getting the Results You Want

energy Jan 10, 2020

Growing up, my life was fairly carefree and easy up until about high school. Then so many difficult things seemed to happen back to back. I assumed that because my life prior to this brought me happiness that when chaos and the hard times started, my natural emotional response had to be sadness or heartache. Opposite circumstances required opposite feelings, right?




It wasn't until later that I discovered everything I feel is actually a choice and that my feelings are not based on my circumstances. I discovered I have power over my emotions. As a certified life coach I've been trained to understand the impact of thoughts on my feelings. Fellow life coach, Brooke Castillo, created an easy model that is all about managing thoughts.


Below is a visual to help you better understand the method:


Let's walk through it.


The first part in the model is circumstances––things that happen in the world that we can't...

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This is the Secret Enemy That's Keeping You From Success

energy Jan 03, 2020
One of the most powerful books I have read in my personal development journey and have my clients read during the coaching process, is a book called The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield.
This book reveals an enemy we all face called resistance. Every single person faces resistance and, most of the time, doesn't even recognize it. When I first read through those pages, it was like I experienced freedom from viewing myself as the enemy while I struggled to meet a goal or to get where I wanted to go in life, and I was able to shift my perspective to view resistance as the enemy.
Let me fill you in on what resistance is by sharing an excerpt from the book. You can read a more in-depth excerpt here.
“Most of us have two lives: the life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance. Have you ever brought home a treadmill and let it gather dust in the attic? Ever quit a diet, a course of yoga meditation practice? Have...
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The One Important Thing You're Missing On Your Path To Success

high performance Dec 04, 2019
In today’s modern world, there is no shortage of resources at your fingerprints. Learn how to sew, cook a gourmet meal, make a craft, change the oil in your car or outline steps to getting the career of your dreams with a quick internet search and an afternoon of work.
While getting the information is relatively easy, implementing it isn’t always the case.
When you start on a project, the goal is always success. Not many people set out to fail, but many times our efforts result in just that because we lack one important detail. So how does one begin the process of becoming successful, especially when it comes to making some major life changes?
The key to becoming a successful individual isn’t just about gaining knowledge or knowing what to do with it––though those two things are important. Ask a successful person or organization what it takes to rise to the top and they will all tell you that one important key is ...
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An Easy Guide For Effective Communication

clarity high performance Nov 30, 2019
Communication can be between spouses, other times it’s between friends, coworkers, employees or new acquaintances. But no matter who the communication is between, we all have room to improve because communication is one of the most important factors for relationships to operate at their best.
Most of us can accept the fact that there is more we can learn about the best ways we communicate with others, but there’s also more we can learn about being the recipient of other’s communication.
Have you ever thought about your responsibility as a message recipient?
When it comes to communication, you have no control over the way other’s communicate, but you DO have control over how you choose to interpret and respond. The way you choose to interpret other’s communication is far more important than what it is they say. Interpretation is everything. This is exactly why two people can say and hear the same thing but it can be...
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How Multi-Tasking Is Killing Your Productivity (& How to Fix It)

productivity Nov 21, 2019
If you prefer podcasts, listen to my podcast episode on this same topic here.

Ask a busy person how they accomplish so much and they will probably tell you that one of their secrets is multitasking. After all, why focus all your efforts on one thing, when you can evenly distribute yourself among five? As tempting as it is to take on the mindset that doing multiple things at once is better, research suggests otherwise.
First, let’s discuss what multitasking is and just how its counterpart, focus-tasking, may just be the wiser of the two.

What is Multitasking?

Switch-tasking, interrupted tasking, and multitasking––they are all similar ways to describe the ability of a person to handle more than one task at a time. If you’re a visual person, imagine how your computer has the capability to have multiple programs open and several tabs plugging away on your internet browser.
The biggest illusion of multitasking is...
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5 Things To Do Today That Will Give You A Better Tomorrow

high performer Nov 16, 2019
We live in a world that is all about finding a meaningful purpose. That’s a great thing! No longer is it a time where we have to do the same routines and activities every day. We no longer spend most of our time trying to get through the day just living for the weekends. Life is more convenient than ever thanks to the technology that frees us up and gives us more time dedicated to finding meaning and purpose. But the problem with meaningful purpose is that we forget about our present day and always long for more.
For example, if we woke up today and looked at our to-do lists and don’t see anything particularly important or impactful -- no life-changing event or opportunity for positive transformation -- we may get down on ourselves and think: “What’s the point?” Or we may go the complete opposite direction and try to make our day something that it was never meant to be just to feel like we made a difference. But it’s important to know...
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