Unveiling the Secret to Success: Habit Stacking and the Art of Strategic Focus

focus Feb 14, 2024

Have you ever noticed that when you try to focus on winning in all areas of your life, you end up not winning anywhere at all? 

Tony Robbins, entrepreneur and business strategist, was spot on when he said,

"Your life is controlled by what you focus on."

As a high-performance coach, do I coach on having goals in every area of your life? Of course!

You are more than just your business or just one facet of your life and it's really important to be growing and optimizing all areas for true fulfillment.

However, when it becomes an obsession to win in every area all at the same time, you're going to find out that you can't win in any of those areas because no person can focus on all areas at one time!

So how does a high performer handle needing to be successful in more than just one area of their life? One key is habit stacking.


What is Habit Stacking?

Habit stacking is a productivity and behavior change technique that involves "stacking" new habits onto...

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The Key to Discipline

discipline Jan 30, 2024

Be honest: when you hear the word DISCIPLINE, what comes to mind?

Is it positive or negative? Is it constantly having to say "no" and having to avoid pleasures (like your favorite foods)?

As children, we were disciplined when we didn't follow the rules or made poor choices. As adults, we use the phrase in a variety of situations, such as trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's just human nature to keep associating the word DISCIPLINE with less-than-pleasurable situations.

But did you know that the word “discipline” is from the Latin word disciplina, meaning “instruction and training.” It is actually derived from the root word "discere" which means ”to learn!” The concept of deprivation or punishment isn't even part of the definition!


Exploring the Concept of Discipline

Knowing that discipline isn't all about missing out on life's joys, I wanted to share a new definition of the word discipline (I wish I could credit the original...

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Roadmap to Success: Decoding the 4 Essential Components for Effective Planning

It's the start of a new year, and if there's one thing everyone is doing, it's making plans.

But did you know that most people don't realize the four components of effective planning, and THAT is why so many fall off on their goals early in the year?

Here are 4 components of planning:

Vision casting, goal-setting, habit-building, and mindset.

If you've struggled with not only enjoying the process of planning but also activating and achieving your goals, it might be because you didn't have all four of the necessary components to make planning effective. 

If you're lacking even one of the 4 components, it's going to make achieving your goals that much harder. The good news is we're talking about all of them below, so you won't be missing anything this year!


4 Must-Have Components for Effective Planning

1. Vision

Picture this: you're headed out on a road trip to a place you've never been before. How do you get there? A map!

Just like you need directions...

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Embracing Change: How High Performers Adapt and Excel in the New Year

Change is one of the few constants in life. As we step into a new year, it's important to understand that adaptation is the key to staying ahead in the game. For high performers, who consistently strive for excellence, embracing change isn’t just a necessity it's a skill that propels us toward success! 

Wouldn't it be great to use that desire for change to start the new year off with MOMENTUM?


Embracing Change: The High Performer’s Mindset

High performers possess a unique mindset that allows them not just to weather change but to thrive amidst it. They view change as an opportunity for growth and innovation rather than a hindrance. Are you striving to become a high performer, but not sure where to start? The following traits are a great jumping-off point in your journey to reach a higher level of performance.


1. Embracing Uncertainty

The hallmark of high performers is their ability to embrace uncertainty....

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Mastering Morning Routines: A Guide for High Performers

Have you ever noticed that the way you start your day sets the tone for everything that follows?

For high performers, optimizing morning routines is more than just a habit – it's a strategic approach to maximizing productivity, focus, and overall well-being!

How things go in the first hours of the day and its impact on your day isn't just luck––it's science! Our bodies operate on a natural internal clock, and morning light exposure helps regulate the release of hormones like cortisol, impacting stress levels and overall well-being. Establishing positive habits in the morning can positively influence these physiological processes and set a constructive tone for the rest of the day.

So how do you master a productive morning routine? Let's discuss some key elements to elevating your performance through habits and intention in the early hours of the day.


1. Early Rising: The Power of the Sun

High performers often swear by the practice of waking up...

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How to Cultivate Focus and Mental Clarity

clarity focus Nov 28, 2023

There's no doubt about it: we live in a world where distractions abound and the demands on our attention seem endless. From neverending access to work email and social media to navigating everyday life, cultivating focus and mental clarity has become a highly desirable skill!

Finding out how to decrease distractions and concentrate is not only a valuable asset but also essential for overall well-being. But let's be honest, it's easier said than done.

While learning to cultivate clarity and increase your focus is the goal, it's a process that continually evolves. After all, distractions just keep coming and they morph themselves just when you think you're on top of it! But the good news is, there are some practical strategies to help!


How to Cultivate Focus and Mental Clarity

  1. Mindful Awareness: One of the keys to cultivate focus is practicing mindful awareness. This is a huge part of Waking Up To Your Life. Mindfulness involves paying attention...
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Building and Sustaining High Performing Daily Routines

high performer routines Nov 01, 2023

If you're knee deep in your journey of personal and professional growth, you need to know one thing: one of the most underestimated but powerful tools at your fingertips is the daily routine.

That's because a well-structured daily routine helps you stay organized, focused, and motivated! Whether you're an entrepreneur, a student, or a busy professional, building and sustaining high-performing daily routines can transform your life.

Studies have shown that people who create routines actually not only are more productive, but live healthier and longer lives, too! The fact is that small, sustainable steps towards a goal add up to big changes.

While it's true that everyone approaches the creation of routines differently, the most important aspect is having one and sticking to it. Let's explore the essential components and strategies for creating routines that foster productivity and well-being.


1. Start with a Clear Vision

Before you can build an...

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Leadership and High Performance: Building High-Performing Teams

Leadership is the cornerstone of success in any organization. A great leader not only drives the company's vision and mission but also fosters an environment where high-performing teams can thrive!

Meanwhile, high-performing teams are the lifeblood of any successful business, and their creation and maintenance depend on the leadership's ability to inspire, guide, and empower their members. No pressure, right?

Former First Lady Eleanore Rosalynn Carter said it best:

“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” 

So how does a leader find the right people, get them in the same room, working towards the same goal, and get them into high performance mode? Here are some key strategies: 


1. Vision and Goal Alignment

A high-performing team begins with a clear and compelling vision. Leaders must articulate the organization's goals and mission in a way that resonates...

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The Art of Being An Influential Communicator

When most people think about communication, they think about talking.

But effective communication isn't just about words; it's about listening, connection, and influence! 

Believe it or not, better communication doesn't start with talking, it actually starts with active listening.

Active listening is truly engaging with the speaker, asking clarifying questions, and showing that you value their perspective. Too many times people are more focused on what they want to say that they don't bring anything that the other person says into the response and they also provide little to no value.

The fact is, you will never be an influential communicator or leader if you don't stop and take the time to listen. Why? Because when people feel heard, they are more likely to be open to what you have to say––to be influenced

Being an active listener is the foundation for communicating in an influential way, but it takes more than that. Keep reading to see more skills you can...

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Introducing: Wake Up To Your Life

As we head into 2024, I am excited to share that I will have hit a big milestone: a decade of coaching! 

It has been an amazing (almost) decade of coaching high-performance business owners and leaders.

I have affirmed that I will continue to coach on the power of high-performance habits: clarity, productivity, energy, courage, and influence. But I also learned that one of the biggest patterns I see is that my clients have learned how to master habits and they are successful people, BUT they still need support to wake up to their life! 


They're going through the motions; they're doing their habits, but they're not awake to the life that those habits are creating.


Maybe you've felt that way, too.

You are pursuing clarity, increasing your productivity, and experiencing higher levels of energy through exercise and nutrition, but you're not able to really reap the benefits of a fully awake life because you're just on autopilot.

The beauty of habits is...

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